Kentucky law allows relatives or friends of people who are in crisis because of substance abuse disorders or mental illness to lawfully intervene and request involuntary court-ordered treatment for their loved one.

Steps in the Process

  • A petition is filed with the district court clerk by a spouse, relative, friend, or guardian of the substance abuse impaired person.
  • The court reviews the allegations in the petition and examines the petitioner under oath.
  • The court determines whether there is a probable cause to order treatment for the respondent.
  • If probable cause is established, the court orders the respondent to be evaluated, and a hearing is set within fourteen (14) days.
  • The respondent is notified of the date and purpose of the hearing.
  • The respondent is evaluated by two (2) qualified health professionals, at least one (1) of whom is a physician.
  • If the court finds the respondent should undergo treatment, the court shall order treatment from sixty (60) days or up to three hundred sixty (360) days, dependent upon the request in the petition and the result of the hearing.